One week from now I'll be in jolly old England hanging with Tracey, Andy and Danielle. I asked Tracey to have a bottle of good red wine waiting for our all night girl-talk (sorry, Andy will just have to go to bed and let us do our thing). We have so much to catch up on. I don't have to sleep much anyway.
I've watched the news and read the travel warnings. I'm going anyway - no worries. It probably means longer lines through security but I've got nothing to worry about as long as they don't take the Splenda and candy I have for Alison and her kids in Germany (2nd half of the trip).
There's been so many ups and downs the last week or so. Dad's struggling with his amputation wound not healing - not good, but not giving up on it yet. Mom's gotta go have an ultrasound done for her gallbladder. This has been bothering her for awhile but also comes after my abdominal ultrasound revealed that I have floating gallstones. Lucky me. Turns out it is one more thing that runs in the Cordray family.
The news that really freaked me a bit was that my left thyroid looked swollen. I was told last year the left thyroid was gone so how it can be swollen? Turns out it can regenerate. That is freaky. So is my cherry gonna regenerate? Just sayin'...could have some fun with that one.
Had my supervisor at the bank submit a request for intermittent FMLA due to dad's health and taking my sick time to be with him, just a technicality to protect my position. Got a phone call from that department asking when my leave began. I explained I've not been on leave. She says I'm catagorized as being on leave since April 27. She asked if I could get into my systems at work and if I got my last paycheck. I said yes. She said I shouldn't have because their records say I'm not suppose to be there! Ok, don't fuck with my paycheck - so we have to fix this pronto cuz sista has to have that check before leaving the country!!! I passed on the detail and instructions to the super to fix so hoping on the 13th I've got a payroll deposit or I'm gonna flip out on the bank.
Worked the Mini-Marathon this weekend. Usually I volunteer with the 500 Festival for the kids day activities, since I won't be here that day and I had friends doing the mini I volunteered as Crowd Management, which basically consisted of standing there pointing people in the correct direction after the finish line. Great experience to see the various levels of physical conditioning come through the line. Respect for the firefighters, police officers, and military members who went through the entire race in full gear. Loved seeing the guys running in tuxedos and sneakers, wigs, beer drinking teams, groups running/walking for causes and in memory of fam/friends. Many thank yous received from the participants. Love the event - to see so many out and involved, to see how this city comes together for these large events is amazing.
I truly love volunteering. I'm not the one who's going to go read to old people in the nursing home or hospitals. Not my calling. My volunteer arena consists of sports and arts. One of the great highs this week was the interview for the VIP Lounge Coordinator internship for the Oranje festival September 17. I volunteered for this event last year and immediately knew I wanted to play a bigger role. Adam and Ryan will be celebrating 10-years of the fest this year, a great accomplishment. This event would be huge on my resume and I told them so.
I also volunteered last week for the Mutt Strut - the Indy Humane Society's fundraiser at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Love this event. I also asked how I can be more involved next year and possibly on the organizing committee. I'm an animal person and believe in what they do. This is another great event to have on a resume.
I actually created a volunteer resume to document all I have done the last few years. It is a big help in that it shows I'm not just a banker, not pigeon-holed into roles. There is so much more to me. What I really want to do is kinda get more involved with a couple of these events and drop some of the smaller ones - 'cause I can't do 'em all folks and I know it.
At the Art Bank Friday night I was talking to a lady who lives here in the hood and is part of the Discover Fountain Square group who was trying to recruit me to help with the artist events. I've submitted an info request for it. I have so much on my plate but I like what the artists have done in this area - they have really saved some of the old buildings, made the area a much better place to live. This lady (can't remember her name) was so ready for any amount of time I can give them - she was excited because I am involved in so many things in the city already.
Was also excited this week by the confirmation test that concluded my sterilization procedure worked. I have not shared this news with everyone as there are those that don't understand my decision, who don't know me well enough to know that I am completely confident in this decision. I have also had some comments about being sure, what if this, what if that, oh, it's a big decision, etc. I made the right decision. As I told one male friend, this is very liberating. I've struggled so long with people's expectations of me, what I feel I have to do and what I want to do that this time there was no need to consult or gather opinions - this had to be all my decision and I was at a point where I could make it with great thought, decisiveness, and not have regrets that some would. You have to know yourself pretty well and what you want.
I still want a solid relationship in my life - but it doesn't have to be from having a child. I know I want some level of TLC given back to me. I've done enough caregiving to my family that I know I want to receive some too and from a source outside my family. Having a baby is very rewarding and a fulfilling experience for a lot of people but I don't see that situation giving me what I need. And then there's the age factor - I'd be in my 60's when a kid entered college!
And there's the issue of how I've gone my entire adult life embracing my identity, fearing losing that in a marriage, loving my freedom, not wanting to be controlled, that all is a part of that decision. See people need to know themselves.
Theater season is winding down for the summer, one night left there to work until the fall. Pacers season is over but I'll catch a few concerts selling t-shirts, like I did Saturday for the Bob Seger show. Man that was some work! Busy, busy, busy. Loved it. Can make some good bank those nights.
The week ahead is expected to bring news on the Oranje internship, the Pragmatic show at Rockhouse Cafe, dinner with my peeps, the Jason Aldean concert (treating mom to admission to the Rock Star club pre-show), tickets to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for practice, old car show, lunch and garage passes, and most importantly packing for VACATION!!!!
If the title isn't self-explanatory then you may be in for a surprise. Travel lover from a blue-collar upbringing, with friends and family from multiple demographics exploring the world.
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