Ok, it's cheesy at best, but it's what us volunteers are suppose to say to the people we meet during the Super Bowl festivities. After waiting almost three years I can't believe it's almost here! I foolishly thought I'd take off of work to volunteer for this event and well, going to Las Vegas out ranks the Super Bowl for vacation day usage.
It's going to be crazy busy downtown and I have to manage to get to work at the theater and to school during the week before the big game. We plan to be in the middle of the excitement as fans too. I mean, we may never get the chance again to be this close to Super Bowl action. (Although I'd really like to be New Orleans for next year's big game!) I believe in experiences and while I write this blog for those to read, by no means, do I expect or want anyone to live virtually unless there's no other way. I mean, the internet is a tool for knowledge and entertainment but nothing beats using all of your senses to experience something like this.
The internet can't give me the sounds of slot machines going off or the smell inside the casinos in Las Vegas. The internet can't give me the feel of gravel under my feet or the cold breeze from the English channel.
Find your adventure shoes and go for a walk into new territory, it's so worth it!
I love coming back to this blog and my scrapbooks and Facebook to document my adventures and keep a record of what I've done so when I'm like 80 or 90 and can't remember I can go 'wow, I had some fun times'.
After the Super Bowl is gone some people will talk about the economic impact, some will talk about the traffic problems and not being able to get where they wanted without traffic restrictions, they'll talk about how they didn't care because the Colts didn't make it and so on and so on. I hope the people who visit talk about what fun they had, the memories they made - not just at the game but in our city. I would want the same if I were in their shoes. That is what I'm going to be thinking of as I volunteer for the Super Bowl: helping people make memories and have some fun.
If the title isn't self-explanatory then you may be in for a surprise. Travel lover from a blue-collar upbringing, with friends and family from multiple demographics exploring the world.