So, I've been saying I need to put out a new post on my blog and then I do a million other things. Summer has flown by me and fall is trying to run full speed ahead. What have I been doing? Well, let's start with festivals - Fountain Square Art Squared and Oranje. Both one day events, actually on the same day! Talk about tired!
It was all worth it. I think both events went very well. I gained some new connections, new experiences and had some fun with my friends and wonderful boyfriend, who I got involved in both projects. He is a photographer and took some great shots from both events.
What else? We went with my cousins to Dale Hollow Lake, staying at the campgrounds of Sulpher Creek Resort. We had a great time even if it did rain part of the weekend. Unplugging and getting back to nature was just what we needed. The water down there is so clean and it was a wonderful 85 degrees. If we can work it out, we'll return for a long weekend next year. The drive home was on 61 North to I-65 and it was very scenic and peaceful. No traffic problems there at all. It wasn't the fastest route, I could have cut over through Glasgow, KY to get to I-65 faster but I'm glad we took the longer route. Interstate travel can be so boring/stressful so 61N was a nice change of routine. When we did reach I-65 we had no problems but the scenery was different.
Planning a party for Halloween/Birthdays at my friend Doug's lake house in Coatesville. His birthday is 5 days before mine so we have to throw a party! He and Danielle are great company. Before going to Kentucky, we spent a day out on Heritage Lake with them and had a wonderful time. Hopefully next year we can all go to Dale Hollow together - would be so much fun!
Travel isn't over for me. Going to Phoenix in November to see my brother & family. Cousin Sheena is going with me and it's her first time in Phoenix so I can't wait to show her around. Danielle, Doug, Sheena, Erik and I are going to Kings Island in October with a bus full of friends and family organized by Mandy. Erik and I talking about all of our travel options for next year. So lucky to have someone to travel with and share experiences.
School has started, the season has started at the Indiana Repertory Theater and the NBA season is on hold. School is going well and so is the theater. I love that part-time job. I'll work basketball games if they ever play again. Have to work to save for these travel plans we are coming up with.
My volunteer work for the fall will consist of Super Bowl 2012 activities which includes working 3 Colts home games. I'm on the Local Organizing Committee for the 2012 Mutt Strut. I love that event and wanted more involvement so they accepted my request to be on the committee. We start monthly meetings for that in October. I've also signed up to do a one night event called Tonic Ball, a fund raiser for the food banks. Great event and lots of live music.
My life is full and wonderful. I know the year isn't over but it's been one of the best years of my life in so many ways and for so many reasons. I'm so glad I have the good sense to realize it and cherish it. Don't take anything for granted folks, life is too short!
If the title isn't self-explanatory then you may be in for a surprise. Travel lover from a blue-collar upbringing, with friends and family from multiple demographics exploring the world.