So I had this huge pile of financial papers that needed to be sorted and shredded. You know, the stuff we collect weekly and monthly - receipts, bills, bank statements, invoices, stuff we're not sure what to do with - stuff. It's really quite shameful that this pile has been accumulated over close to two years and I did nothing about it.
I used to be so organized and prudent about such documentation. I balanced my check book monthly. I filed away important papers. Then I began taking on more and more responsibility - volunteering, school, part-time jobs, a more active social life - and this pile began to grow as it was one of those things that I couldn't make time for.
Most of us have heard old phrases such as: cleanliness is next to godliness, cleaning clears the mind, yada yada yada...I'll never be a god and my mind being clear sounds like an impossibility.
Well, the pile grew and grew and grew until it overran the weak container I put it into so long ago. Little papers all around and haunting me every time I opened the door.
My boyfriend (hi babe!) had a flood in his basement and has spent days cleaning up the mess. I guess you could say he inspired me. I especially felt the inspiration when he came over to the house and I realized he may actually see my pile of shame. He's teased me about it - of course I told him - and has offered suggestions.
I thought years ago when I got a paper shredder that it was kinda fun to put the paper through it. But when you sit and do that for 90 minutes plus and realize you still have half a pile left and your back hurts from the repetitive motion, it isn't fun anymore, its just work.
On a positive note, I will say I do feel some since of relief for having at least gotten half way through the pile of shame. It's not quite so shameful now. I do feel some ownership over the problem and will see it through now that it's begun. The trick will be to keep it in check and try to rebuild some of those lost organizational habits. Wish me luck!
If the title isn't self-explanatory then you may be in for a surprise. Travel lover from a blue-collar upbringing, with friends and family from multiple demographics exploring the world.