Why is it we overlook the obvious in our lives? Is it because we choose to do so? Is it a matter of having blinders on? Could it be because our subconscious knows we aren't ready to deal with whatever is obvious?
I have opened my eyes and realized what was waiting for me in the form of a wonderful guy. He's been there all along. Maybe I wasn't ready, had to go through a lot of losers I am fond of saying, but I really think I wasn't ready to be where we are now. I had to grow, change, learn, and appreciate more about life in order to get to this point.
I am dealing with my commitment fears, fear of losing my individuality, fear of being suffocated. He's been great with all of that and has given me space to just be. As I hope I am giving him - I don't want to change him - I want him to be who he is. We both agree that we need to maintain our individuality in order to be able to come together as a couple and be stronger together. Yes, there is 'us', an identity all it's own, but also 'he' and 'I'. It's about striking a balance and he gets that.
We share several things in common - one of them being travel. We've talked and have begun to plan travels together. We're discussing what he would like to do, what I would like to do and I believe by satisfying & sharing our individual interests we'll be able to grow a bond during these travels that will be hard to break. We're starting small but have much grander travel plans to other countries. One day at a time and hopefully it'll be obvious that we're making the right decisions along the way.
Obviously I'm happy with what I've found.
If the title isn't self-explanatory then you may be in for a surprise. Travel lover from a blue-collar upbringing, with friends and family from multiple demographics exploring the world.